R"=========( USAGE [[OPTIONS]] p [PORT_NUMBER] [[EXTERNAL_DATABASES]] OPTIONS Y [youtube-dl format] DEFAULT The default value restricts downloads to [height<=720] and prioritises the most compressed formats. EXAMPLES See https://github.com/TheFrenchGhosty/TheFrenchGhostys-YouTube-DL-Archivist-Scripts c [/PATH/TO/THUMBNAIL/DIRECTORY] f [/PATH/TO/ffmpeg] Default: /usr/bin/ffmpeg EXTERNAL DATABASES Optional List of environmental variables, each preceded by "x", pointing to files of the same format as $TAGEM_MYSQL_CFG, containing login data for foreign databases Eg x REDDIT_MYSQL_CFG x TWITTER_MYSQL_CFG These foreign databases should contain, at a minimum, a "post" table Each database should be of a unique name. The tagem database itself contains the "post2file" table, which maps the external database's posts to tagem's files // The alternative - the external database containing this table - would involve a lot more database calls. With this system, we can do a simple join, to tell clients that which posts are available in which external databases, and then only access the external database from file info and advanced queries. Other obtional tables, that will be recognised and used if available, are: "user" for users "user2tagem_tag" linking the user to tagem's tag table "follow" linking users to other users "post2mention" and "post2like" linking users to posts "cmnt" for comments "cmnt2mention" and "cmnt2like" linking users to comments "hashtag2tagem_tag" linking tagem's tag table to the foreign hashtags "hashtag" "post2hashtag" linking posts to hashtags "follow_hashtag" linking users to hashtags )========="